Wednesday, December 10, 2008


At last nights talk, I showed Groupthink for the first time publicly. The first half of the talk was a discussion of mistakes I've made in the past, mistakes I'm making now, and a few things I'm doing right. That was followed by some screen snapshots and a brief live demo (which, as noted in yesterday's blog post, had a glitch because of the lack of a network connection).

Here are ths screenshots I showed:

Basic Screen, showing an open project
Same project, with some items checked off

Options for a project

Project-level sharing options (you can also share individual items)

I'll write more details in the future, but if you can't wait, a video of the talk is available already.

And today's status, back to making forward progress, with one client task taken care of:


Anonymous said...

Looking really slick! Do you have a favorite slide-sharing site (, e.g.)? It's a little difficult to read the slides in the video.

Roy Leban said...

@Scott: Yeah, sorry about that. I hate reading the slides when I give a talk, but I didn't think about the video quality for those who watch it online.

My current plan is to repurpose the content of those slides over the next few blog posts, so you'll get to see them that way.

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